Institute of Business Engineers

Striving for Management Professional Excellence

 Our Value: Integrity, Betterment and Equality

 Our Missions

Striving for management professional excellence


The trend of business management in the 21st century: Business Engineering


Breakthrough in a solution of management competency and corporation sustainability 


Redefining the biz management knowledge


A generic framework for system view: A global pursuance

提供商业系统观的 “通用框架”:全球熱待

Marketing Letter to BRI Consulates 

Dear [Consulate Name],

We hope this email finds you well. We are writing to introduce the BE Enlightenment Coaching Programs, which we believe could be of great benefit to BRI countries looking to prosper and develop.

As you may know, understanding Chinese business philosophy, mindset, and culture is essential for success in today's global economy. The BE Enlightenment Coaching Programs aim to provide government officials, entrepreneurs, senior executives, and university graduates with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in a Chinese economic environment.

Our programs utilize the Business Engineering MindFrame developed by the Hong Kong Institute of Business Engineers to facilitate efficient and effective learning and application. We believe that our coaching programs can help your constituents achieve their goals and succeed in a rapidly changing global economy.

We would be honored to discuss our programs with you further and explore how we can work together to benefit your constituents. Please do not hesitate to contact us email if you have any questions or if you would like to learn more about our programs.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards, Dr. Gary Ching

Vice President, Hong Kong Institute of Business Engineers





我们的计划利用由香港商业工程师协会开发的商业工程商业思维框架Business Engineering MindFrame来促进高效、有效的学习和应用。我们相信我们的辅导计划可以帮助您的选民实现他们的目标,在快速变化的全球经济中取得成功。



此致 敬礼, Gary Ching博士


Our Approach: Applying Engineering, Architecture and Mechanisms to Business Management

About IBE (Institute of Business Engineers)

IBE (Institute of Business Engineering) tailors to serve management institutions in Greater China and management strategists by providing a platform for continuous education and up-to-date management trends. Embracing ‘Business Engineering’ as a fundamental concept, IBE aims to stimulate management professionalism and to contribute to individuals attaining professional qualifications. 

IBE has utilized the world’s only ‘Business Engineering’ approach: PVC-BQ corporate strategy and process management. The institute has incorporated traditional Chinese cultural elements into its philosophy. Some of these values include ‘People-Oriented Practices’, ‘Cause and Effect Relativity Concepts’, and ‘Fate and Opportune Beliefs’. Combining theories from the east and the west immensely enhances managers' and entrepreneurs’ ability to develop critical thinking. In addition, managers are able to locate the causes of business-related problems instead of just dwelling on the effects. We aspire to help managers succeed through the internalization of the ‘Business Engineering’ philosophy. Managers will be able to cultivate relevant strategies to improve their company in terms of effectively utilizing the company’s resources and enhancing operational efficiency in order to maintain and sustain the company’s long-term development in the market.

Our Achievements


Education & Training


In 2009, we won the competition of the “World Bank – Beijing National Accounting Institute Risk Management Simulation Training Program Development Project” and earned a contract for a training project entitled “PVC-BQ Decision Making and Management System Integration with COSO Requirements”, which was jointly organized by the World Bank and Beijing National Accounting Institute. The target audiences were senior government officials, senior executives, and entrepreneurs in China’s large corporations.
